Roller Compacted Concrete Dams
If you are considering producing large volumes of concrete for dam construction, Aran mixing and process systems are ideal – since the early 1980’s Aran has been involved with and promoted Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) dam construction on a global scale.
Our mixing systems have been proven to excel in the production of this relatively low moisture, dense material on many major projects – get in touch to find out more.

Get Your RCC Brouchure
Learn more about projects and Aran’s innovative precision mixing equipment sanctioned for Roller-Compacted Concrete (RCC) production by clicking on our brochure to the left.
RCC Attributes:
- Economical Strong Pavement
- Low Water Content (no free water)
- Lower Cement Content (achieves same strength)
- Rapid Construction Cycles
- Long Service Life
- Quick Access to Operational Service
- No Rutting, Shoving or Pushing
- Low Maintenance
- Mass Placement