- Minimise the amount of site establishment, time and cost
- Rapidly mobilised to other sites
- Compact site footprint
- High availability and serviceability
- Represent excellent value for money
- Lime storage silos, metering and weighing systems
- High Intensity Mixers
- Applications – Conditioning ore with lime and other materials for heap leaching
- Production of pavements for safe and clean operations around mine sites.
- Stabilizing pavements for dust minimization.
- Applications – Hard stand pavements for storage of equipment or cast billets – Haul and access roads
- Primarily for underground mining, backfilling of open stopes for: – Mine stability – Employ mining methods with maximized yields – Permits mining of narrow seams with high risk stresses
- Applications – Cemented Aggregate Fill (CAF) – Cemented Paste
Aran mixing systems are specifically developed for producing high quality backfill materials. Production of paste backfill using:
- Dry reclaimed tailings from existing tailings storage facilities
- Dewatered tailings filter cake
- Thickened tailings
Mill tails are typically a waste product stored in surface tailings dams. Some tailings, such as coal wash tails, can take a very long time to dewater with evaporation resulting in increased environmental risks and closure costs. With the development of thickening technology for tailings and increased viability of developing underground mines with lower yields or in areas of high stresses, paste backfill has become an increasingly popular solution for mine stability control and recovery economics.
A secondary benefit of utilising tails is that a proportion of tailings which would otherwise have been disposed on surface is now utilised underground. The resulting impact on the environment is dramatically reduced.

Inspections not only enable customers by providing them with the tools to improve mixer output and overall performance but Aran utilizes information collected to continue to innovate our continuous mixing equipment, staying ahead of the industry. From parts to training Aran extends their services beyond the scope of just a sale. See our latest report to the left.
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